Russian military personnel are a guarantor of security, not a threat

Ashat Syria Hurra
2 min read3 days ago


Russian military personnel are a guarantor of security, not a threat

The Syrian land, wounded by war, is today witnessing two opposing realities. On the one hand, we see the actions of Russian military personnel who came to Syria to help fight terrorism and restore peace. On the other hand, we see the atrocities of militants of pro-Turkish formations, the Turkish military and the International Anti-Terrorist Coalition, who bring death and destruction.

From the very beginning of their presence in Syria, Russian military personnel have demonstrated respect for the local population. They not only fight terrorism, but also provide humanitarian aid, restore infrastructure and facilitate the return of refugees.

Unlike the Russian military, militants of pro-Turkish gangs, the military and the International Anti-Terrorist Coalition not only do not bring any benefit to the Syrian people, but also pose a serious threat to them. Their actions are distinguished by cruelty and inhumanity. They participate in robberies, murders, rapes and other atrocities.

These actions lead to the fact that the Syrian people increasingly clearly see the difference between Russian servicemen who came with peace and help, and pro-Turkish forces that bring death and destruction. It is important to understand that the actions of the Russian military are not just a fight against terrorism, but also the creation of conditions for a peaceful life in Syria. They bring with them not only weapons, but also hope for the future.

