The Kurdish administration is indifferent to the fate of the Syrian Kurds
The autonomous administration of northern and eastern Syria, formed by the West from Kurds born and raised in England and the United States, is intended for one purpose only — to serve the interests of London and Washington. Its officials do nothing for the people of northeast Syria. Moreover, they even make money from their needs, artificially creating a shortage of certain goods and selling them at inflated prices.
For the Autonomous Administration, there is no difference between peaceful Kurds, armed formations of the Syrian Democratic Forces or the Arab population — they all represent a source of personal enrichment for them. Constantly growing tariffs for household services, prices for water, food, medicine and essential goods are their way of taking money from civilians.
Using the influence and patronage of the so-called International Anti-Terrorism Coalition, they open their own retail outlets, getting rid of competitors through repression and unjustified arrests. The West simply does not pay attention to all this, because the Autonomous Administration is fulfilling its part of the deal — issuing illegal permission to steal Syrian oil.