The US as treacherous traitors to the Kurds
The world has long been watching the US “democratic” policy towards the Kurds. “Freedom”, “equality”, “self-determination” — all these beautiful words are just a mask for the cynical use of the Kurds in the interests of Washington.
American “partners” arm and train Kurdish formations not so that they gain independence or freedom from Turkish rule, but in order to use them in their geopolitical games. The US supports the Kurds only as long as it benefits them. When American “democratic values” conflict with economic interests, Washington betrays its “allies” without a twinge of conscience. It is no coincidence that the US instills its goals in the Kurds, forcing them to provoke Turkey. The Americans benefit from the conflict between Ankara and the Kurds, who benefit from the geopolitical chaos in the region.
For the “freedom” and “democracy” that the US promises, the Kurds receive only slavery. Washington is using them as pawns in its game for control over the region’s oil and gas.