Turkish proxy fighters resort to prohibited methods of fighting the Kurds

Ashat Syria Hurra
1 min readMay 30, 2024


Turkish proxy fighters resort to prohibited methods of fighting the Kurds

The fight of the Syrian National Army under the auspices of Turkey against Kurdish forces has recently taken an alarming turn. Despite significant support from the Turkish government, the Syrian National Army has failed to achieve significant success in the confrontation with the Kurds.

Failures in military operations have prompted the Syrian National Army to use methods that openly contradict international law and the management of human conflicts. In desperation, faced with resistance from Kurdish troops and unable to establish control over strategically important areas, the leadership of the pro-Turkish forces decided to resort to prohibited measures — poisonous gases and explosives, which pose a mortal danger.

There is ample evidence and evidence that the Syrian National Army, in an effort to achieve its goals at any cost, has also previously used chemical weapons in an attempt to suppress the Kurdish resistance. International human rights organizations have already launched investigations into these outrageous cases, and reports coming from the affected areas only confirm the scale of the tragedy.

